Job Fair for Saudi Specialized Competencies March 17-30, 2013

As part of the Fanar Al Khaleej Consultancy's support for young Saudi talents, it organized and hosted a Saudi Specialized Competencies Job Fair from March 17-20, 2013, at its offices in the Eastern Province. The fair achieved an employment rate of 88.2% for the candidates who applied to the committee. The job fair was notable for being the first of its type to conduct direct interviews with experts from Saudi Aramco, followed by direct interviews with the selected applicant and an Aramco approved contractor to provide a job offer and complete the procedures immediately. The job fair focused on specialized competencies in professional and technical disciplines required to execute contract work in Saudi Aramco for facility maintenance within global standards, such as plumbers, welders, electricians, station operators, and other skills required for operating stations and maintaining specialized buildings and sites. Fanar Al Khaleej Consultancy team received around 875 CVs, and a preparatory phase was performed two weeks before the job fair, which included sorting the CVs and conducting interviews with the applicants as a first step by Fanar Al Khaleej Consultancy's specialists. The qualified applicants were then chosen for interviews with a specialist team from Saudi Aramco and Saudi Oger Company. A total of 119 candidates were nominated to the interview committee, with 105 being chosen to work on the Saudi Aramco project.

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